IV Moscow Urban Forum: Catalysts of Growth and Best Practice in Global Cities
On 11-12 December the IV Moscow Urban Forum ‘Drivers of City Development’ took place. The forum, an annual event since 2011, is an international conference on urban design, architecture, economics and strategic city planning.

‘We Are Selling Amazingly Valuable Goods’
'Success Builder' is a section about what happens with HSE alumni after graduate — how they build their careers, how they gain recognition in their field, how they handle failure. Katya Bermant, HSE graduate, is working to develop the charity industry in Russia by using Western models and adapting them to the Russian context. She gives lectures, teaches specialist classes, conducts educational activities, and invents and implements creative fundraising methods.
HSE Students Win Competition for Public Service Advertising Against Corruption
Students at the HSE School of Integrated Communications, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design won all the prizes in a public service advertising competition against corruption. The contest is run by the Moscow City department for competition policy. The HSE students’ posters were selected from 175 pieces submitted from different Russian regions and the near abroad. The prize giving ceremony was in a city government building on New Arbat on December 10.
of families do not reject the idea of higher education for their children if they are unsuccessful in enrolling for a tuition-free spot. They either look for another university with less demanding requirements or enroll as tuition-paying students.
Only Muslims can fight radical Islam
On December 3, at a meeting of the HSE's Asian Club, Professor Georgiiy Mirskiy http://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/69713 of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs gave a talk about what radical Islam is and the main myths about it.
HSE Alumnus Named Russia’s Entrepreneur of the Year
Alexei Repik, who received his bachelor’s degree from HSE’s Faculty of Economics, was named the winner of the Russia nomination in the international competition Entrepreneur of the Year 2014. Repik is the President of Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia) and the Chairman of the board of directors at the R-Pharm group.
of Russians who make donations give money to ‘medical care and health-related causes.’ This is the most popular area of charitable giving among Russians.
HSE Is Your Home, and You Never Forget Your Home
On November 18 the HSE Alumni Awards ceremony took place in Izvestia Hall.

‘Everything Works as It Should If You Just Do It’
'Success Builder' is a section about what happens with HSE alumni after graduate — how they build their careers, how they gain recognition in their field, how they handle failure. The first article is about Dmitry Levitsky, who graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the Higher School of Economics in 1999. He is the co-owner and manager of several chains of bars called ‘Honey, I'll call you back’ and ‘Dolls Pistols’, as well as the co-owner and CEO of Hurma Management Group.